Sunday, November 29, 2009
culture celebration 2009
This year, SCA started its culture week on November 25 that culminated in the food and dance festivities on Friday, November 27. Sandwiched between these two days, the "National Prayer Day" on Thanksgiving Day was an added hype to the three-day long Culture Week. On Friday, President Manny Mori handed to the Principal during a short formal ceremony a check of $500.00 dollars with which he encouraged the SCA to start a "Culture and Environment Program". This amount will be SCA's start-up fund to make the President's encouragement a visible reality.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Kimpiokai at SCDC
On World Food Day, Chuuk held a Food Fair and Kimpiokai at the Saramen Chuuk Development Center. 14 farmers displayed there produce to a sizable crowd of students, gov't workers, ngo's, and the general public at the gymnasium. COM-FSM Chuuk LandGrant did a local food cooking demo and offer some tips on nutrition and health. The day was also attended by Honorable Mark Mailo, President of The Senate, Chuuk Legislature, and the Chief of Staff of the Governor's Office who represented the Executive Branch of Chuuk State, and Honorable Roger S. Mori, Northern Namoneas Congressman at the FSM Congress.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Girls In Research
Junior girls: Myranda Rudolph, Jandora Bisek, Kareleah Masaichy going through piles of old newspapers searching for information. On line research is still problematic on campus due to limited connectivity. It aim to ensure we graduate student who are proficient in computer search and related applications.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Spirit Week Actions
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Community Service Project
On October 2, 2009, SCA had a Community Service Project on Weno Island. The school community was grouped down in six groups. Each group had a place to clean. One group visited the prisioners and cleaned around Boat Pool area. Another group visited the wards at Chuuk Hospital and cleaned the hospital area. Another group went to visit Mr. Tito Bossy at his home in Neotes and worked on the roads over there. One group worked on campus and around church area. The group in the photo above cleaned the road from Truk Stop Hotel all the way to campus. The SCA colors were seen all around weno on this Friday. Class time was cut short to give time to this service endeavor from around 1PM to 4PM.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Spirit Week Faces
Friday, September 11, 2009
First Fundraiser for SY09-10 by Fundraising Comm.
On October 10, 2009, the fundraising committee held its kickoff fundraiser on school campus during lunch break for nearly an hour. This event was first for the year-long project to raise over three thousand dollars to augment funds for SCA. In the photo above, Tr. Kiki (with shades) is busy giving change to Lovelyn and Keim. In background are: Tr. Jessica (blue shirt), Tr. Tyler (Red), Karmina Mathias from the Diocese of Carolines Office (black and white), Aida (next to Karmi), and Tr. Gracelyn (standing over Kiki).
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Chuuk Conservation Society at SCA
Mr. Wisney Nakayama, director of Chuuk Conservation Society, addressed the Enviornmental Science class yesterday, September 10, 2009. The whole class got invited by Mr. Nakayama and his staff, Mr. Curtis Graham, to participate in the NGO's "coral watch" project. Tr. Dion is now working on obtaining parental consent to be able to take her class out to an acitivity that will be held "off-campus". Principal Wayne has given his blessing to the idea of taking environmental science class(es) out to the real world setting.
First Staff Meeting SY09-10
Principal Wayne, far left, leading his first meeting for this school year. AJ Mathias and Alexcia Sillem gave principal good company. This will be Wayne's second year as "top dog" of the school. Other Staff holding leadership role for this school year are:
Marz Akapito, Vice Principal and chairperson of Social Science department
Julia William, Campus Ministry Coordinator and chairperson of Math department
Cecilia Hartman, chairperson of English Department
Chairperson for Science needs replacement as of this week -- TBA
Nasaria Dinney, Business Officer
Mack Souleng, Chief Security
Bensy Andon, Chief Maintenance
Leadership and Students: Chuuk and SCA
Judging from media coverage and observations out in the community, the most proactive NGO these days in Chuuk is SHIP/HOOPS. Keitani Graham who coordinates that NGO's activities was invited to speak to the "leadership" class on Wednesday, 9/9/09. The students found his presentation very exciting and pledged to support Kei in his efforts in keeping the youth of Chuuk drug-free, school-focused, and active in sports -- some of the qualities that SCA also wishes to intstill in her students.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
STUCO Regular Meeting 09-10
The student council had its second session for school year 2009 to 2010 in which a number of important concerns for student leaders were addressed, including recommenditions from committees that were recently created by STUCO. These leaders pushed for a number of "student initiatives" that range from adherance to school rules to "harsh and creative" mode of discipline for stubborn rule breakers.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
ONPA at SCA: Compliance Investigation Division
Members of the Office of National Public Auditors have been visiting the FSM states to do community outreach on how to common citizen could be proactive in keeping the FSM fraud-free. On Friday, September 4, 2009, ONPA staff from national office and their field office in Chuuk came to SCA for a 2 hours session with us. The session went well with so many students asking questions regarding government fraud and how citizen can prevent it.
The whole student body tuned in to presenters on the mechanix of fraud reporting in the FSM.
The whole student body tuned in to presenters on the mechanix of fraud reporting in the FSM.
First Guest Speaker for SY09-10: Current Issues
On Thursday, September 3, 2009, the Current Issues class with Tr. Dion invited Mr. Marino Siver, Chairperson of the Chuuk Election Commision, to speak to them regarding the latest election in Chuuk and election laws. Above, students listent attentively to Mr. Siver as he delves into the dynamic of election in Chuuk.
Culture Class Switches to First Semester
Tradition class, which is usually offered during Spring semester, has been moved to Fall semester this year, per recommendation for faculty prior to the start of this 2009 to 2010 school year. Above, students learn how to weave baskets. Out of 20 students, only two know how to weave.
Tradition Class students displaying their baskets, first they ever made. Front row are: Lovelyn Berdon, Chervian Bossy, Atrina Andon, Endyrose Joseph, Maggie Olap, Maisy Soien, Rosalinda Lukas, and Ronica Masaichy. Back row from left are: Domini Romer, Stella Kesemochen, Evangeline Richard, Dayleen Satak, and Myheart Aizawa.
Tradition Class students displaying their baskets, first they ever made. Front row are: Lovelyn Berdon, Chervian Bossy, Atrina Andon, Endyrose Joseph, Maggie Olap, Maisy Soien, Rosalinda Lukas, and Ronica Masaichy. Back row from left are: Domini Romer, Stella Kesemochen, Evangeline Richard, Dayleen Satak, and Myheart Aizawa.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Business Basketball League at SCDC
The Saramen Chuuk Development Center is cohosting a basketball league for 18 teams that are sponsored by various businesses and organizations in Chuuk. The league is organized by Inson Stephen, Chuuk's rep to the FSM Basketball Association, and Keitani Graham from SHIP/HOOPS. SCA is fielding a team of staff, students, and friends under the lead of Tr. Matt Miller and VP Marz Akapito. SCA's team picked up it first victory in its opening game against SHIP/HOOPS team B. Games will be played on weekends and Tuesday and Thursday nights. Where possible, come out and cheer for your team.
In the picture above, Aqua Serve warms up before its face off against a team from Mwaan Village. Aqua was defeated in a manly physical game.
WIA Training Completed
As of Friday, 8/28/09, four WIA trainees completed a three months summer training at SCA. Our huge "kinissou" to them -- two pictured above with certificates from SCA. From left, Mariot Santos, senior to be at Berea Christian School and Ymenson Namelo, senior to be at Weno High School. Not Pictured were Melissa Nine and Stayleen David. SCA is proud to have been a training partner for WIA and will continue to assist with the development of young Chuukese in programs like this whenever possible.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
First Week of classes sy09-10
Lunch Break on sunny August 28, 2009. Freshmen on first floor and Juniors directly above: some brought food from home, some purchased food from snack bar or nearby vendors, still others wait for mana from above.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Mass of the Holy Spirit:2009-2010
Today marks the beginning of school year 2009 to 2010. It all starts with the first school mass, the Mass of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Rosendo Rudolf, chancellor of the Diocese of Carolines, was the celebrant. The mass was attended by students, faculty and staff members, parents, and few friends from the neighboring islands.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Dionisialyn Bernard 2002: Newest AlumTeacher
Toward the end of last school year, SCA was fortunate to hire Dion Bernard through correspondence between her and Principal Wayne. For this SY09-10, she will be one of the most loaded teachers on campus. Dion was the valedictorian of her class.
More info about Dion
Uni graduated from: Santa Clara University
Field of specialty: Major- Sociology Minor- Ethnic StudiesDegree: Bachelors of Science
Other training and involvement: Skills Trainer working with children with autism, HIProgram coordinator for Micronesian Needs Assesment, Boys & Girls Club of HawaiiResident Director, Hawaiian Island Homes, Off-Campus Housing for college students Community Service:Redwood City Day Workers Camp, English TutorSanta Clara Community Center "Adults with Disabilities Learning Independence", Teacher's AidBoys and Girls Club, Tutor, Mentor, and Surveyor
Hope for SCA:My hope for SCA is that it remains and continue to be true to its name---Saramen Chuuk, an institution that inspires, nurtures, molds amazing young minds of the working class of Chuuk; truly a revolutionary idea
The answers to collored questions are from Dion herself.
More info about Dion
Uni graduated from: Santa Clara University
Field of specialty: Major- Sociology Minor- Ethnic StudiesDegree: Bachelors of Science
Other training and involvement: Skills Trainer working with children with autism, HIProgram coordinator for Micronesian Needs Assesment, Boys & Girls Club of HawaiiResident Director, Hawaiian Island Homes, Off-Campus Housing for college students Community Service:Redwood City Day Workers Camp, English TutorSanta Clara Community Center "Adults with Disabilities Learning Independence", Teacher's AidBoys and Girls Club, Tutor, Mentor, and Surveyor
Hope for SCA:My hope for SCA is that it remains and continue to be true to its name---Saramen Chuuk, an institution that inspires, nurtures, molds amazing young minds of the working class of Chuuk; truly a revolutionary idea
The answers to collored questions are from Dion herself.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Mini-Lab Project
Principal Wayne has recently approved a proposal to convert part of the Staff Lounge to a mini computer lab. This project is part of the interest to make general computer use and internet connectivity available to students on "need basis".
Ofcourse, the challenge now is to obtain the comupter units and necessary accessories. The school does not have the money to shoulder this project. Therefore, the principal asked the staff interested to launch this project to "be creative" not to depend on SCA annual budget.
Fortunately, a few teachers have identified total of two laptops that will be used to start this endeavor. Tr. Dion, Tr. Matt, VP Marz will take the lead in looking for ways to find materials for constructing the room as well as reaching out to people who might want to donate computers and related items.
We hope alumni and friends can help "leading the way" for innovative improvement at SCA.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Summer School 2009 Concluded
Over 60 aspirants for class of 2013 concluded their summer exposure to SCA today around 12:00pm with iceream, cookies, and the much favored Spanished bread from TTC. To TTC' delight, a blow-out (small party) worth of just a little over $110.00 dollars got all the food and drink materials from TTC due to convenience and price.
Acting Student Body President, Marvrick Arnold congraulated the "freshmen to be" for having successfully completed the summer school.
Vice Principal Marz spoke on behalf of adminstration in place of the principal who was at a Board of Education meeting in Nantaku at the time of the party.
Students had way more than enough so Maggie Olap had to "einet" the left overs to staff, teachers.
Acting Student Body President, Marvrick Arnold congraulated the "freshmen to be" for having successfully completed the summer school.
Vice Principal Marz spoke on behalf of adminstration in place of the principal who was at a Board of Education meeting in Nantaku at the time of the party.
Students had way more than enough so Maggie Olap had to "einet" the left overs to staff, teachers.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sr. Erencia Saipweirik RSM at USF
For the past few weeks, Sr. Erencia Saipweirik, VP of Academic Affairs, has been taking summer courses at the University of California at San Francisco as part of her educational development as a Mercy Sister. From her emails, it is evident that Sr. Erencia is enjoying going back to school for a change of role and finds her course materials and focus very interesting. We will gladly welcome Sr. Erencia back to our SCA community upon her return before the start of SY2010 and have no doubt her summer experience at SanFran will be a boost for her in her already long career in education.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Rupeson Dedication for CPI
Last Monday June 15, 2009, what has been only a vision for Bishop Amando Samo unfolded into a real project through a "rupeson" ceremony at a property belonging to the Diocese of Caroline Islands. Seven shovel were ceremonially dugged into the building site, signifying that what was once a mere "interest" will now transform into a "collective" day-to-day endeavor that will give birth to the Caroline Pastoral Institute.
Many curious on-lookers have asked with a sense of apprehension, "is it true they are building a college over here"? Although the ongoing construction since June 15 is for the temporary site, the answer to this query is probably more in the affirmative according to Fr. Rosendo Rudolf, chancellor at the Diocese Office, at one of his Sunday masses.
Bishop Amando Samo before praying to commence the "ground breaking" ceremony. Also in the picture are Fr. Nomano (in white top) and Maverick Arnold, in maroon shirt, a senior-to-be this school year 2009-2010. "Mav" is likely to be among those to first open the institute, leading the generations of Chuukese who will persue various ministries and vocation "schooling" right here at home.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Be there for the community
Res Shotaro of 2005, second in the march wearing black top, helped organized the Cultural Day for Iras Demo School, 2009.
One way for SCA to ensure it has good future crops is to concern itself with what goes on at the primary school setting. For this event, SCA assisted with donation of equipments (cones), organizing the opening ceremony for Iras Demo's students, parents, teachers, and spectators, and starting of the morning events. The fact that our alumni are out there helping is also a way for SCA to get exposed as a positive player in community events.
Young third-graders line up at the start line for 60 meter dash. The red cone to the right is one of SCA's recreational equipments dontated to Iras Demo for their event today.
One way for SCA to ensure it has good future crops is to concern itself with what goes on at the primary school setting. For this event, SCA assisted with donation of equipments (cones), organizing the opening ceremony for Iras Demo's students, parents, teachers, and spectators, and starting of the morning events. The fact that our alumni are out there helping is also a way for SCA to get exposed as a positive player in community events.
Young third-graders line up at the start line for 60 meter dash. The red cone to the right is one of SCA's recreational equipments dontated to Iras Demo for their event today.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A Student, An Alum, A Teacher, and what else?
It is hard not to notice. If you don't see her in person, you will hear her voice. She would never need an amplifier! Her name is Kathy Martin. The thing is, we all know, she is leaving SCA community. At least for the time being.
Kathy Martin is truly a Chuukese.... by birth and by heart. Her islands of origin are Pis Paneu and Pisemwar islands. This symbolizes her integrated attitude to life that encompasses many areas of concern and services.
By college training, Kathy is a socail worker. She is a grad of UOG since 2005. In fact, for a year after UOG, she spent time assisting in a project on Micronesian immigrants to Guam and assistend at the university helping other needy students.
Kathy will now leave SCA after spending three years of teaching and much much more. Hawaii is now her next destination for another amazing goal: working on her masters degree in community leadership and youth.
Kathy was asked a number of questions. Undrneath are her answers:
1. what year did you grad from sca? 1999
2. what was your field at uog? social work
3. what year did you grad from uog?2005
4. what have you been doing after uog until now? after uog, i worked at uog at the suicide prevention program. i also did a research/project on the micronesian migrants living in urban housing with one uog professor as an assistant. and 2006 summer i started working at sca until now.
5. how old are you now? (optional)
6. what do you plan (or wish) to do in the near future after grad school? really want to come back to chuuk and continue help out in the chuukese community. if i can work at the public health that would be one or come back to sca. i love sca. my heart and my mind is here at saram.
7. what will you focus on at grad school? community development and mostly working with youths.
8. will chuuk and fsm be an option for you after grad school? yes...with god everything is possible.
9. what is your favorite food? wow! what else beside the chuukese mai, kon me apot with fish epwe kochu(cooking in coconut milk). pwan ena men re kan era pwe penichon. ena ik mi kapwich...mmmmmmmmm.....
10 what is your favorite music? ewer i am not good in singing, i have a weird voice, but i thank god i can at least one song...well, i like the music that are very peaceful and akamumu. pwan music that i can dance to...
11. your ideal hero/heroine (optional). many times...i think of myself as my hero, but many good people are my hero. my parents are also my hero. you are also my hero because you thought me many good things. but jesus is my entire life hero.
12. would you want to be a millionaire? why whynot? (optional). i will build a beautiful communtiy....provide the service that people really need. from living to work.
2. what was your field at uog? social work
3. what year did you grad from uog?2005
4. what have you been doing after uog until now? after uog, i worked at uog at the suicide prevention program. i also did a research/project on the micronesian migrants living in urban housing with one uog professor as an assistant. and 2006 summer i started working at sca until now.
5. how old are you now? (optional)
6. what do you plan (or wish) to do in the near future after grad school? really want to come back to chuuk and continue help out in the chuukese community. if i can work at the public health that would be one or come back to sca. i love sca. my heart and my mind is here at saram.
7. what will you focus on at grad school? community development and mostly working with youths.
8. will chuuk and fsm be an option for you after grad school? yes...with god everything is possible.
9. what is your favorite food? wow! what else beside the chuukese mai, kon me apot with fish epwe kochu(cooking in coconut milk). pwan ena men re kan era pwe penichon. ena ik mi kapwich...mmmmmmmmm.....
10 what is your favorite music? ewer i am not good in singing, i have a weird voice, but i thank god i can at least one song...well, i like the music that are very peaceful and akamumu. pwan music that i can dance to...
11. your ideal hero/heroine (optional). many times...i think of myself as my hero, but many good people are my hero. my parents are also my hero. you are also my hero because you thought me many good things. but jesus is my entire life hero.
12. would you want to be a millionaire? why whynot? (optional). i will build a beautiful communtiy....provide the service that people really need. from living to work.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Fumina "Fupas" Yoshino
Ms. Fumina "Fupas" Yoshino is one among few teachers who will say good bye to SCA this summer. Fupas has been teaching at SCA for two years as a JOCV and has been an exceptional teacher and friend to many. She will be greatly missed by all.
When she was asked these questions, here are what she had to say:
1. where are you going after SCA?
2. What will be your best memory of SCA?
3. If there is anything you could change at SCA, what would it be?
4. Your favorite chuukese food?
5. what you want to become after 10 years?
6. What did you like about chuuk?
7. What you dislike about Chuuk?
8. Your age? (optional)
1.... I will go back to japan but my spirit will be in your heart!!
2.... Tsunami day.... kakaka
3.... No kimba!! because I really wanted to have it when students smiled me.
4.... Kon, Tapioka,Iik, Pachan,papaya,Puu and watte Banana!!
5.... the Wife of hansam Chuukese guy!!
6.... Beautiful oceian, sky, the sun, and wonderful and lovely people!!
7.... the guy who always think about something nasty!!!
8.... 24years old but my mind is still 18yaers old!!! forever
kinisou chapur!!!
2. What will be your best memory of SCA?
3. If there is anything you could change at SCA, what would it be?
4. Your favorite chuukese food?
5. what you want to become after 10 years?
6. What did you like about chuuk?
7. What you dislike about Chuuk?
8. Your age? (optional)
1.... I will go back to japan but my spirit will be in your heart!!
2.... Tsunami day.... kakaka
3.... No kimba!! because I really wanted to have it when students smiled me.
4.... Kon, Tapioka,Iik, Pachan,papaya,Puu and watte Banana!!
5.... the Wife of hansam Chuukese guy!!
6.... Beautiful oceian, sky, the sun, and wonderful and lovely people!!
7.... the guy who always think about something nasty!!!
8.... 24years old but my mind is still 18yaers old!!! forever
kinisou chapur!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
To Break or Not To Break!?
Vibrant Kathy Martin is one of the teachers that will leave SCA this summer. These few days, she has been working on grades and tying together loose ends with classes that she has been teaching here so that incoming teachers will have an idea on how and where to continue. The school will lose so much in Kathy -- very instrumental in various areas of responsibilities at SCA and at the community level.
Kieko Kiki Kanemoto and Sr. Foustina Nedelec MMB at the main office. For these two, there is a special sweetness to summer break that others don't know of. Sr. Foustina is waiting for a all-community activity that her convent sisters will do in a few days to come. Kiki is starting to implement work on a new addition to the school library: Pacific Collection Project. She has so much to share about this project.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Summer Break but not quite so for teachers
(above: Registrar Marcelly Marcus working on grades and reports for 4th quarter 09)
The graduation ceremony last Thursday signaled the conclusion of classes and beginning of summer break for students, and some teachers. But, for some others, the word "break" is a misnomer for this week and perhaps a few more days. By declaration from Princial Wayne Olap, today, June 3, 2009, would have been deadline for all teachers to submit their 4th quarter grades for sy08-09.
Summer session for those who need to make up grades (juniors down) and for in-coming freshmen will start June 15, 2009 and end around the end of July. As of this morning, only 30 freshmen-to-be have actually registered. We anticipate getting 70 new students for next school year.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Graduation 2009
Bishop Amando Samo, front right, Mayor Florentino Jessy of Weno, center, and Fr. Jim Croghan, front left. At the back row: Mr. Jack Fritz, chairman of school board, with cap, Deacon Eliot Cholymay, center, and Fr. Julio Angkel, pastor of St. Anthony Parish, Dublon and school board member.
Principal Wayne Olap, standing, chatting with former principal Mariano Marcus and Vicar of Chuuk Vicariate, Fr. Basilio Dilipy, far right, minutes before the start of the ceremony.
Before the singing of the National Anthem and the Alma Mater, in-coming STUCO President, Keim Akilino, and Vice President Maverick Arnold, covered behind flag, brought in the flags of FSM and Chuuk State.
"Men On A Mission!" -- Shawn Mori (left) and Jordan Lomongo (right) with their best "No Joke" look as they paraded toward the stage at the start of the ceremony.
Graduates getting on stage -- "teta mwo won pomei ie!". Students with gold stole are those with cumulative GPA of 85 or and higher.
One of the many recognition awards given out at the graduation was the "teach of the year" merit award. Rightfully so, this award was presented by Fr. Jim Croghan S.J., director of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of the Carolines, to Ms. Julia A. William for dedicated services to students and for performance beyond call of duty. Ms. William is also the longest serving teacher whose years of services is as old (or as young) as the school itself.
Valedictorian Elua Hiromy Mori when getting back-to-back awards in math and science. She was also the last one to recieve awards when she was given the valedictorian recognition award for this 2009 graduation.
Jessicalyn Hartman, salutatorian, looked down with satisfaction and an expression of relief after claiming her diploma.
Most decorated graduate, Elua Hiromy Mori, valedictorian, flashed one of her characteristically playful and heart-wrecking smiles after she recieved her diploma. Mr. Jack Fritz, chairman of the School Board in background giving out diploma to others.
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