Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Week of classes sy09-10

Lunch Break on sunny August 28, 2009. Freshmen on first floor and Juniors directly above: some brought food from home, some purchased food from snack bar or nearby vendors, still others wait for mana from above.

Juniors (11White homeroom) collecting their quiz papers at the end of 5th period on the last day of the first week of classes.

Four hungry boys put up their best looks to quiet the stormy bellies. From left: Maner 13', Keim 10', Arson 10', Moisan 10'...

Maggie Olap poses for a quick photo as she tries to down a delicious home-made lunch. She will not have trouble storing what goes in as lunch.

Aquinas Sabba gives the peace flash after washing hands . Flobera Elimo in the background.

1 comment:

  1. hey man my friend shoots misss these guys and flow is that you shoots one of my freshmens
    waiooohhhhh misss them all kapongs and tongs from alumni smori hehehe class of 09
